Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spain another fabulouth thucceth, love Barthelona

I will post my trip in full in a few days, but it´s been a while since I´ve updated on my trip to Spain. I arrive here last Wednesday, went to Valencia on Thursday and returned to Barcelona on Saturday for Easter Sunday. I´m in Girona right now after I dropped my friend Amanda off at the bus station.
I´m typing at an internet cafe with my friend Bozena from Canada and a new friend, Brenton, from Texas, who we refer to as 'Dallas.' Dallas and I have been mimicking the Catalanian accent the entire trip, tho we keep thaying thingth with a lithp. Stop it.
We´re couchsurfing here in a small town before Bozena and I catch a plane to Poznan, Poland and Dallas goes to France. Life is wonderful and I´m doing well. We are staying in a farmhouse that looks like a morgue in a horror film. We were a bit surprised when our host pulled out a dried pig leg and carved us some ham. It was tasty and very dead.


Anonymous said...

HAAAA. Love it. Grathias for your humorous post...I'm still smiling. This couch surfing business sounds muy interesante. :) :)

C Rudz said...

Stop it.


i can't WAIIIIIT to see you. come to boston this summer julie and i will both be there!

mamusia said...

I miss my son! I can't wait for June! Please continue to write- I get a sense of you from each piece.

mamusia said...

I miss my son! I can't wait for June! Please continue to write- I get a sense of you from each piece.