Hot-Shoe Go-To: The Godox TT600
5 years ago
I'm a visual journalist and Marquette University graduate living in L'viv, Ukraine. Enjoy, take a look at my website: and feel free to send me criticisms and comments at Please note that this website is not meant to be a professional news source and is only reflective of my opinions and experiences as an english teacher abroad.
Mike --
Hey! CONGRATS on this milestone in your life and career as a photojournalist! I am very excited and happy for you and the opportunity it presents!
Can't wait to hear about your "Polish adventures" with your Dad on this trip!
Looking forward to seeing you and Tim in a week or so when I'm back in the Dubuque area for vacation.
Take care and God bless!
P.S. Have you crashed any weddings or had any chili dogs while you've been in Poland and the Ukraine? LOL! ;o)
loved every single photo- so wish I could be there!
Hi Mike!
Those photos are truly amazing! It seems like you really captured the sentiments behind them. And the colors are just gorgeous! You're very talented. Congrats on the showing.
-Shannon (from Aix-en-Provence)
Hey Mike,
Thank you for posting these woderful pictures! Recently I've been really missing my good friend from Ukraine and I remembered that Tim told me that you lived there and you do photography. I was really curious to see what you saw in Ukraine and how you saw it. The photos are simply amazing. Some of them might seem gloomy but to me there's so much life in them. They are candid and people are not posing and the reality around them is not disguised or decorated. Some of the images remind me of Russia too. I can so much relate to people in the pictures and what their faces express, I can almost feel the moments captured. You have a very good eye!
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