Hot-Shoe Go-To: The Godox TT600
5 years ago
I'm a visual journalist and Marquette University graduate living in L'viv, Ukraine. Enjoy, take a look at my website: and feel free to send me criticisms and comments at Please note that this website is not meant to be a professional news source and is only reflective of my opinions and experiences as an english teacher abroad.
Wisconsin has sunsets like that...pfffh. :)
Ohh..and it's good to see you! :)
You should post like that more. It's neat to hear from you AND see what you're seeing. :)
Glad to know you're alive. I gotta tell you, I love reading about all the stuff you're up to and its even cooler when you embed your videos.
you look like a sketchy mo-fo there. but it's awesome to hear your voice. what a gorgeous place!
Yay!!! So good.
love you too Mike!
just catching up on all of your posts. Wisconsin is better than you think! well... maybe.
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