Above: Traffic has increased substantially in L'viv over the past few years as Ukrainians finally have the income to pay for cars. "There was barely any traffic here 10 years ago," said Matthew Matuszak, an UCU employee. "Now they don't have the infrastructure to deal with the cars. Glad I don't own one."
As of today, I have been in L'viv 44 days, or 1 month and 2 weeks. In that time, I've been keeping this stellar blog going by posting photos, stories and videos every day I've been here. I haven't missed a day I've been in L'viv. Thanks to all who have sent compliments on facebook or directly on blogger, it means a lot.
I asked my friend Mark Kane if I was posting just to get more traffic, if this was the real deal. Ever so frank, Mark said,
"No, you're actually doing your job. You post every day with real material that is interesting and I actually want to read. Your not just posting every other week, you're doing it every day. You're doing what every blogger should do."
Thanks, Mark.
Some from facebook and emails:
I want your camera! Love the blog too (and so does Mint)! |
Hey cuz! I looked at your blog and it's amazing! That is so cool waht you are doing! I'm jealous... even though you are only surviving on 19 cents a week. Hope all is well otherwise! :)
Mike, you're the national champion of hacky sack? How come you never told me? |
mike, good to hear from you... and i enjoyed perusing your blog a bit-- i especially appreciate the video clips-- the one of "l'viv in september" put to music was an especially quality piece. in particular, the shot of the decrepit soul on the park bench just billowing smoke out from his innards. strong stuff.
Hey Mike! I just checked out your blog for the first time, and your trip seems SO COOL! Both intimidating and inspiring at the same time - how awesome. Anyway, I hope you stay safe, and keep growing/learning - and posting! You have this CTW DR living vicariously through you :)
Your blog is so stinking good! Once you've completed this round of adventures, you should script it and talk to some movie folks. If it is that good to read, it could be great to watch!
"at the risk of sounding redundant...awesome blog. really. you have a great layout and a fabulous mix of quality photography and well written prose. basically, you're a badass." |
"Just read your latest blog post, Mike. Look who’s the new “sexy foreign exchange teacher.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yet another highly entertaining tale from your life." "I saw your blog today, nice stories, keep it up. I'd say "How's life?" but that's what the blog is for, I guess. How ever did you get involved with the seminary? It's like going back in time.." For those of you that sent compliments via email, I apologize for not getting your permission to publish this(email, I think, should be private). That's why I excluded names from the email quotes. I was flattered you sent me that, really, this is the reason I keep blogging. I keep track of blog hits through Google Analytics, and that's why I keep modifying my posts. Some people read all of some posts and sometimes they just want to take a look at the pictures. The point is, when people do read it all, I notice and I try to play up more of that material. If you send me an email at mikerudz@gmail.com, I will reply, and have been pretty good about it so far(apologies to anyone I haven't gotten to yet). I read them all. Some stats as of October 10th: Hits to date: 541 Pageviews: 1804 Visitors: 221 % of visits that are new: 42% 74% of visitors are from referring sites(facebook) 24% are direct hits(people who have bookmarked me, cough cough, nudge, nudge) Thanks to you all! |
Mike, your blog is definitely sweet.
You share some pretty awesome stuff with the rest of us who don't have the opportunity to do the cool things that you are doing over there in Ukraine. I learn a lot from your blog. Keep on posting, yo!
I love your blog and your great! Thank you for inspiring my own creativity and pursuit of happiness. We shall Skype soon, I miss you very much and I hope you visit me in DC!
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