Soledad O'Brien takes a moment to talk with Catholic Herald Reporter Amy Guckeen after her lunch with students at Marquette University on February 7th. O'Brien shared how faith has deeply influenced her and how faith, family and motherhood has played a role in her career.
In my email box today:
"Hi, I sent you a message on Flickr, asking if I could use your imagesfrom Flickr on Wikipedia.
Here it is again:
Hi, this is a great photo you have taken: flickr.com/photos/rudz1985/
I was wondering if you'd be willing to allow us at Wikipedia to use
the photo for Soledad O'Brien's biography, here:
The page currently has no image, and yours would be perfect there. All
you'd have to do is change the copyright on the image from "All rights
reserved" to "Attribution Creative Commons". This would allow us to
use the image.
Thanks in advance!
The image was taken when Soledad O'brien visited Marquette this past spring and gave a speech on catholicism in the workplace. Surprisingly, she is not only sweet, an excellent reporter, and attractive, but overall down-to-earth and a good person. I was impressed by her genuine personality and had a brief conversation with her while taking pictures for the Milwaukee Catholic Herald. You can see the series on my flickr page here: flickr.com/photos/rudz1985/2360089849/
She does a great job on CNN and I was impressed by her speech. Great person.
Not bad big guy
Hey! Congratulations, my friend!
thats so cool!
Congrats on getting onto Wikipedia, your fervor and passion for photography, and seeming inability to fail inspire me in every moment. There are days when I wish I could be as spontaneous as you, but I suppose for the moment I have to stick to the structure imposed upon me by the university! I love all of your posts and would love to co-author your book. Ironically I think you are becoming the more organized one (man who wanted a secretary) whereas I cannot stick to one sole project. However I do look forward to getting this degree, getting out, and seeing the world, and maybe some Russians along the way!!!
Love ya bud, I can't wait 'til Christmas but have a ton of work to do between now and then...it will get done! Enjoy your new place, skype again this weekend? Let me know...
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